2017 – Giving Tuesday – November 28th

Categories: Announcements,Events

P.O. Box 362172
Decatur, GA 30036-2172
Website: www.queensatlanta.org • E-mail: queensatlanta@hotmail.com



Dear Queen’s Alumnae,

As the holiday season approaches we greet you and wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday season. As we come to the end of another year, The Queen’s Alumnae Atlanta Chapter (QAAC) finds itself at a cross road in terms of leadership for the chapter to take us into the next 2 years. The current board has been at this for almost 4 years and would like to hand over the reins to others who can lead the chapter in making a difference in the lives of the current student body. Please consider stepping up to take a leadership role in the organization. Positions for President, Vice President, and Secretary need to be filled or some hard decisions will need to be made regarding the direction of the Chapter.

Please reach out to President, Sarah Vaughan, at sfevaughan@yahoo.com or call her at 404-483-1532 if you are willing to discuss becoming part of the Board. The work is not done though and we find ourselves falling short of our modest fundraising goals for 2017 so we are reaching out to ask you to participate in our final drive for the year on Giving Tuesday – November 28th.

QAAC has traditionally supported projects that directly benefit the students themselves, not necessarily those targeting the school at large. Our most recent project – two barrels of books (mostly fiction) for the library, is a good example. As you probably know, the students themselves have many needs and our annual support of both the Welfare Fund, which assists with breakfast, lunch, transportation and uniforms, as well as the CXC Exam Fund to help individual students pay for the major CXC Exam fees, have been receiving funds from us for more than 10 years. These particular areas continue to experience great demand and today the need is greater than ever. The students need us. They need help with their English – right now they are doing poorly on the CXC exams. The teachers try – but “extra lessons” would go a long way in helping the students directly and $800 US per year for two teachers would help students be better prepared for these critical exams.

The students need US – they need computers/tablets; projectors for the classroom; sewing machines for Home Economics; a better search engine that includes and highlights information and achievements ofthe Caribbean; they need chairs to relax and read in the library that are not the ancient old metal ones from the days when we were there; they need day-to-day stuff — text books, pens, pencils, notepaper, book bags. They need US! As we give thanks for the many benefits we enjoy in our adopted homeland, please remember the individual girls needing our help at the Queen’s School. We have all benefitted one way or the other from our Alma Mater and the current students really need our help. Enclosed please find a self-addressed, stamped envelope so you can send your donation of whatever amount to assist these students. Or if you prefer, you can go on line at www. queensatlanta.org and donate there on or before Tuesday, November 28,2017.

QAAC thanks you and the girls at the Queen’s School thank you too.

Sarah Vaughan, QAAC President

A non-profit, tax-exempt organization of alumnae of The Queen’s School, Kingston, Jamaica

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