News & Updates

QAAC Times Newsletter 2020 – Vol. 5

Categories: Announcements,Events


Hello everyone!

We have exciting news to share with you about a recent event that took place for our Alma Mater, The Queen’s High School, in Kingston, Jamaica!

One of our main goals for the Atlanta Chapter is to always provide support to the school in whatever way we can. Recently with all of the world in pandemic mode, we were informed by the Jamaica Chapter that the school needed 7 big-screen TVs to be able to help the girls, who had returned to the school for exams, to be able to continue their studies. The TV’s would allow the girls to practice social distancing while being taught by the teacher. We felt that this was something we could contribute to and with the facilitation of the Jamaica Chapter, we sent funds to purchase these TVs.

The TVs were delivered to much joy from teachers and students, and they were overwhelmed by our generosity. We also purchased 200 masks for the girls to use while in school.

This is how the funds that we receive from each member from dues and from our fundraising activates benefit the school and our mission.  Know that the students and teachers are very appreciative of these gifts that we provide. Please view our Gallery post for more video highlights and images.

Help us to continue to make a difference in the life of a student back in Jamaica at our Alma Mater. Please know that every dollar that we raise, is put back into getting programs and supplies for the students in Jamaica.

How Can You Help?
There are several ways that you can help:
1. Sign up for Amazon Smile and designate Queen’s Alumnae Atlanta Chapter for a recipient of donation dollars
2. Sign up for the Kroger Community Foundation using your Kroger Card number. We will get a percentage of all monies spent
3. Pay your dues
4. Support our fundraising events

Upcoming Projects

The school still has several needs especially coming in September. We will be sending these out to the Chapter shortly but know that tablets, laptops, and refurbishing of the labs especially the Home Economics and Science labs, are on the list.

Upcoming Events

Our next Monthly meeting will again by a virtual one on August 8th at 6:00 pm! We are hoping to have this by Zoom or some other video conferencing platform. Look out for emails and a phone call from our Calling Post.

We are also still hoping to do our Book Signing Fundraiser with Jamaican Author, Gillian Royes on October 24th. We will certainly keep an eye on the pandemic and update you if anything changes.

Make a difference in a student’s life!

The Jamaica Chapter is also looking for Mentors. With the new norm of meetings, it is easy to sign up and mentor a young girl from the school.  If you are interested, please let President, Heather Potter know.